Hilton Hotel Information

Exterior of Hilton Warsaw Hotel

All official conference events—lectures, panels, receptions and workshops—will be held at the Hilton Warsaw Hotel & Convention Centre, which is located at 63 Grzybowska Street.

Swimming Pool

We have reserved all regular hotel rooms at the Hilton, and at the present time they are blocked for IAJGS conference use only. The Hilton has been at near capacity and sold out on some nights. As people firm up their plans, rooms may be released, so it is worth checking. If you cannot get a reservation for the dates and prices that you want, try the Westin next or the Ibis.

Hotel reservations are made via a special web page provided by Hilton. The link to that page is included with the confirmation message that you receive after registering for the conference. You must be registered for the conference in order to use one of the conference rooms, and reservations made by someone not registered for the conference may be cancelled.

The very reasonable special conference price will include free WiFi, access to the Holmes Place exercise club and swimming pool, and an amazing buffet breakfast. The rate for single occupancy is 480 zloty and for double occupancy is 520 zloty, before an 8% tax. The Hilton is offering conference-rate rooms from July 31 through August 15, 2018, subject to room availability.

The cancellation policy allows a reservation to be cancelled with no penalty up to 72 hours (3 days) before check-in. After that, one may be charged for one night.

These photos show the breakfast buffet.

Breakfast Buffet          Breakfast Buffet

Rooms are available with either one king bed or two twin beds. The rooms are very modern and comfortable. Two views of a king room are shown below.

King Bed Room          King Bed Room

The rooms include an elegant, modern bathroom.

Hilton Bathroom


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